What a great title for a book! It encapsulates my view point on selling. Daniel H Pink makes the point that everyone of us sells and that selling applies to anyone in a relationship. Teachers sell to pupils, as pupils give up a valuable resource, their time, to listen to the teacher. If the teacher isn’t a good “salesperson” the pupils won’t listen. Anyone in the medical profession is in selling. Anyone who is a parent sells their kids on going to bed. The list is endless
This is not a traditional book on sales, and we will feature some classic sales techniques books in future books of the week. What I like about to Sell is Human is that Pink relates selling to the modern day environment that we live in. As technology has progressed the world of the salesperson has changed, and they are no longer the holder of all the knowledge about their product.
Once you get through the first few chapters, the book really comes to life and I particularly like the section on pitching to others. This is a great book for someone who hasn’t seen themselves as a traditional salesperson, and also for anyone interested in relationship selling. Hope you enjoy.