Becoming a Trustee of Challenge Wales is the perfect opportunity to make a difference to young people’s lives in our community.
Helen Phillips, a Business Adviser with Mustard, is known for her passion for helping people to achieve their potential, and for her love of sailing.
Challenge Wales provides adventure residential and day voyages to young people to help broaden their horizons, enabling them to reach their potential.
When Helen was invited to apply to become a Trustee of Challenge Wales, it seemed the perfect opportunity to make a difference to young people’s lives in our community.
Challenge Wales is an award-winning sail training charity which operates Challenge Wales | Wales’ Tall Ship (the 72 foot round the world racing yacht) and Adventure Wales (the 60 foot two masted schooner). The charity helps those who step aboard to develop their personal and social skills, giving people a purpose and helping to broaden their horizons, a goal to strive towards, the opportunity to experience the highs of achievement and success and sometimes the lows of failure but understanding how to cope with that. Teamwork, leadership, discipline, respect for others and communication skills are all developed while onboard one of our vessels.
The results can be truly life-changing – giving young people the life skills to help them from unemployment into work, helping socially-excluded young people, boosting confidence and self-esteem, and improving mental health.
Helen says: “It took me many years to develop my own self-confidence and resilience, and I did not discover my taste for adventure until my mid-20s. Whilst I had a very supportive up-bringing, I know I would have benefitted enormously from the opportunities that Challenge Wales gives to young people, and I would like to play a part in giving those opportunities to others
“I am thrilled to have been asked to get involved with Challenge Wales. I hope I can use my broad business experience to help the charity reach its potential, and am looking forward to working with the team. ”